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Collaborative Women Housing

We are a service provider of peer group accommodation and life skills training, focused on helping marginalised young women aged 18-55 who are fleeing gender-focused abuse. 

Our core service users (though not exclusively) are women from BAMER communities who often have restricted access to support services. 

Residents are offered the  model of shared living with life empowerment training program Moving Forward Life  Skills.  By offering assistance in the form of safe living and life skills training to these women at the beginning of their journey away from crisis we do all we can to ensure they have a brighter future. In the process we aim to protect vulnerable women from homelessness, breaking the cycle of moving from dependent, often abusive relationships into emergency refuges, only to return to what they have fled. We believe that this is because they have never had the chance, in a safe and supportive environment, to gain the skills and confidence that would otherwise enable them to live independently


  • Life skill training is delivered through a Moving Forward programme  comprising of; financial planning, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual  support enables the women to acquire life skills, job skills, parenting skills,  training, education, self-reliance and independence. 


The programme is  bespoke for each woman, designed so they can heal, progress, and provide  for them-selves.


  • Safe, affordable living environments will be achieved through peer group  living which provides a natural safe environment and women benefit from the  mutual from like ‘survivors’.


Through our work we aim to break the cycle of violence.


If you or someone you know could benefit from this service fill in the form below. Or click the button to download a copy of the housing form.

Housing Form

Safe to call?
Support Needs
Is Applicant Pregnant?

Domestic Abuse

Has Perpetrator Any Issues With?

Referrer's Details

Thanks for submitting!

we will contact you A.S.A.P

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